Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Allegation

Alleging someone of consequences that wasn't the outcome of his/her doings! 
Yes, easy enough. But tolerable by the alleged person? That depends on the stride in which one takes it and also the extent to which the person abased. The root cause, if analysed, happens to be the frustrations which one carries that renders a person to do such foolish acts. Yes, I would rather call it 'Being foolish' than to let the misery rot my Mind. Agreed that it hits one hard in the beginning (similar to that of a B-cell on an antigenic challenge) but its wiser to neglect some things. What difference would be left if the innocent 'accused' person retaliate back in violence? And make the situation more complex, which was started by some idiotic thought process of a lunatic.  
Staying quiet helps. Sometimes, and most of the times, throwing  frustrations is the choice people make as it soothes them for some while. Your boss screws you?  Your classmate/colleague pisses you off? Your relative is real annoying? My friend! Its a vicious circle of life which happens with each of us at certain stages of life. Screaming or bashing seems an obvious approach but 'letting go things' isn't difficult. There's no point in stressing over something you can't change. Move on and grow strong! 
Try the approach not taken. Stay silent! DO NOT let a 'mere' anybody affect you.  
Smile! And make the others wonder what you're upto.