Monday 9 November 2015

Degluttifying realizations

Sometimes, all we need is to SWALLOW some of our thoughts!

A turmoil within has a say,
Do not always do what you may,
Lest you will become fray.
Occupied by many thoughts,
Comes a sense of drought. 
That continues to feed the evil, 
Feeling its hard retrieval.

A sudden phase upheaval,
Causing mind swivel, 
Accompanying some shivers, 
Gushes emotions into rivers.

Mistakes are defended by reasons, 
Continuing the same for seasons.
Leading to mood swings,
And the brain giving bombardings .

With age, increases complexity,
Amongst peers, disparity.
Leading to stress,
Succumbing goodwill to arrest,
Haulting life's zest.

Image result for cute happy face cartoon

But as one grows,
Facing downs and lows,
Should notice the nature!
What it bestows. With different shades of rose.
So, rather than cribbing the woes,

Shine and go with a steady flow!!

Monday 13 April 2015

The lady who doesn't get her due.

5:30 without the alarm,

Wakes a lady of charm.
Regardless of her health
Keeping her tiredness at stealth.

That's how my mother is. And without doubt, all the mothers on Earth will be.

Today's morning witnessed me having a little strife with my God. My bad! The remorse was sensed later. Not just from my side but from her side too. It made me reflect my temporal mood swings which makes my absconding nerves to react 'evil' way. A daughter can never love back as her mother does .

She's the lady who doesn't get her due. 

And she never complains. Its her compassion and tensile strength that keeps our family knitted together. She always keeps her passions aside and joyously merges in the happiness of her children. Mothers complete our lives. Being the integral factor in our life, a house is called home because of her. 

In the super busy times like ours, we fail to acknowledge our mothers who have been there with us - for us since day 1. Be it on a sweet dish or about that yummy cold coffee she made, go ahead to thank her. It will make her day brighten 2 folds. She doesn't want much but a little appreciation.