Monday, 27 February 2017

Willingness beyond odds!

Ever had thoughts of willingness? Of circumventing odds i.e. making it happen irrespective of the situations happening around? Was it followed by the attainment of your respective thought? 

If it has, splendid! If it didn't, you cannot consider those thoughts to be of utmost importance and desires; and there is a dire need of speculating yourself! 

Nature maintains somewhat perfect balance (not really perfect due to humanly disturbances) in the form of a well-knit food web. It comprises of many food chains in the different ecosystems.

For a look-in, lets consider a deer. It grazes the ground to feed itself and has to share the food with its contemporaries. Thus, to maintain its health and its future generations, the deer has to have thoughts of willingness of moving out to other far places from its residential area. If it fails to do, it will succumb itself to death.

Similarly, we have to decide and go ahead with a 'will' that helps us to survive positively (not really a matter of death in this case). If YOU have a WILL, you would certainly do it. But whats the pre-requisite? A belief in yourself to complete certain task without considering the ills and effects. Most of us fall in a trap of REASONS. Yes, we succumb to mere reasons. We always have a reason for a thing which didn't go well, or perhaps failed to happen. Why? To name a few, it may be due to temperature, people or self. We forget the powers we have within, which can make us going irrespective of any other pulling force. Howsoever strong be THE pulling force but it cannot outweigh the powers each one of us owns - Of willingness, goodwill and happiness.

Chuck out Reasons from your dictionary and adapt to the power of WILL. 
Image result for will power cartoon

You can. You will. By your will! :')