While traveling from home to work, I observed a thing which wasn't something peculiar. Just that I related it with what we face in reality.
There are entries and exits of getting onto/off the Highway. Massive Entry's and EXIT's are annoying for the person who's moving straight on the highway. It might lead to a certain delay in crossing these specified regions of the journey. But you have to be patient, you will reach your destination ultimately, be it a minute or two later.
Similarly, many people/friends (with their sets of opportunities) come through and fro in your journey of life. Their entry/exit could be disturbing-unwelcoming or relaxing to you. The same story repeats when you have to take the Exit lane which might be appalling to the people in that lane.
In this commotional life, many opportunities (sans traffic lights) come to people at different time points. For some, it comes soon, some take a while and have to wait. Patience is what needs to be taken care in the time of stressed interludes and perhaps that's the only thing under your control. Other things fall in their place as and when the time requires them to be.
Hyping over issues which is beyond one's control harms the mind involved in such chaotic thought process. Detach yourself from the thoughts which serve purpose opposite to your ideologies.
Focus on yourself and your upcoming sets of bonanza!