Tuesday 11 March 2014

Travelling, adaptation and the correct tuning

Travelling in the early hours is such a peaceful journey. There is no traffic leading you to a quick destination attainment(even if you happen to leave late, you still wont get late :P).The Beauty of Nature at dawn - chirping of birds, the 'mild' sun rays and fresh mind
Yes,  it's something we tend to miss in the hustle-bustle of our commotional life.

(All the pictures were clicked in and around metro station. Try this at your own expense 'cause photography is not allowed in metro.)

Contrary to the evening's time, where everybody is rushing back home. Just like the to-and-fro motion of a pendulum. To relax and spend some time with their loved ones. Our heart yearns for our little nest- "home sweet home",where the ultimate relaxation lies. 

I travel like 2 hours (one side) from home to college and vice-versa, but I still prefer coming back to my home. Although it becomes hell tiring sometimes, but I have adapted to this route. Adaptation can be interlinked to nature: "Survival of the fittest" - only those life forms will be able to sustain changes in life which can adapt themselves as per the surroundings. 
 Adaptation is what makes life going and somewhere , at some point of time, it does make you learn so many lessons, which remain unlearned and buried.

 Also, adaptation can be w.r.t social behaviour, which makes you learn that there are many personalities with different behaviours on our Earth and we should try to remain at peace even if some of them do bother us. We might feel infuriated seeing some 'weird' personalities, who are like lemons to our eyes but being anxious is not the way out. As it is, we do not have a remote control over the others as we can do with our television sets. 
A wiser choice WOULD be to keep tuning oneself according to the condition(person) since its under one's control. 
Keep tuning :D 
and live a peaceful life.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Life, Dreams, Goals

 Having started this blog, I would like to present a poem which I wrote a little time back. It's "the turmoil within" which we need to conquer!

LiFe, DreAms, GoaLs

Why is it?
What we want
We don’t get!
And then we fret.

All sorts of dreams are on a ride,
That we look out to thrive.
But, law of NATURE – Not everybody survives! 
What's the reason behind?
Try to make your thoughts grind.
Nature doesn’t take bribe.
Everything we want to chase,
Puts us in a maze. 
Where we are puppets of a race,
So much so; some win, some lose.
Some get chilies, some chocolate mousse.

With their paths set, some get on track.
Contrary to those thrashed with no trace.
And after all, this is what happens!

But we should always be in craze,
To fair exceptionally well in that match,
Where 1 move check mate’s opponent’s king;
As a baby bird develop its wing.

Notice where the difference lies!
Concentrate!!! Not on cries.
But in an environment of peace,
With those bright “Fireflies”.
Where you can be “YOU”
Throw the ills as you ‘may’
Outta your way!!


Monday 3 March 2014

The First step

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.            
  -James William
As they say, the beginning is a task in itself which requires patience and also self-confidence to move forward leaving behind the negative thoughts. I was hunting and fighting through many ideas to start blogging since the NEW Year day 2014 but wasn't coming up with a productive one. But when it comes, its a surprise entry and then one thinks, "Oh yes! This is it! This was what I was yearning from so long".
 To get something to blog :D 

 During today's lecture, my professor, while explaining a fundamental mechanism in Molecular Biology, told us that nothing in nature can be perfectly good(maximal expression) or bad(minimal expression)but the intermediary (mixture) of good/bad. 
That, life has its variety of shades which it bestows on humankind.Us all! 
I fully agree with her statement and was actually correlating the same with my life. All of us like different shades of clothing to wear on each day, shades of nail polishes... The same can be attributed to an individual's mood as well. One day, you may feel super-energetic  and joyful, while the other  day you may feel a little dull. Yes, it happens and moreover, I think it should happen.*not  on frequent basis though*. If we remain in the same mood(shade), life will be monotonous and then the BLUES. 
I don't believe in theories of rebirth, what I think is we have just one birth by the recombination of our parent's genes, which cannot be exactly the same ever! Not denying the fact that all humans are 99.9% similar to each other, but suffice to say, the 0.1% DNA difference is what makes us so different from each other.  
Hence, the essence of life is manifold higher than we think of it to be!  
LIVE life to the fullest!!!