Monday 3 March 2014

The First step

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.            
  -James William
As they say, the beginning is a task in itself which requires patience and also self-confidence to move forward leaving behind the negative thoughts. I was hunting and fighting through many ideas to start blogging since the NEW Year day 2014 but wasn't coming up with a productive one. But when it comes, its a surprise entry and then one thinks, "Oh yes! This is it! This was what I was yearning from so long".
 To get something to blog :D 

 During today's lecture, my professor, while explaining a fundamental mechanism in Molecular Biology, told us that nothing in nature can be perfectly good(maximal expression) or bad(minimal expression)but the intermediary (mixture) of good/bad. 
That, life has its variety of shades which it bestows on humankind.Us all! 
I fully agree with her statement and was actually correlating the same with my life. All of us like different shades of clothing to wear on each day, shades of nail polishes... The same can be attributed to an individual's mood as well. One day, you may feel super-energetic  and joyful, while the other  day you may feel a little dull. Yes, it happens and moreover, I think it should happen.*not  on frequent basis though*. If we remain in the same mood(shade), life will be monotonous and then the BLUES. 
I don't believe in theories of rebirth, what I think is we have just one birth by the recombination of our parent's genes, which cannot be exactly the same ever! Not denying the fact that all humans are 99.9% similar to each other, but suffice to say, the 0.1% DNA difference is what makes us so different from each other.  
Hence, the essence of life is manifold higher than we think of it to be!  
LIVE life to the fullest!!!