Monday 9 June 2014


Okay. My internet connection was down past 3 days. I guess, it too got infected with the scorching heat! Grr. What a connection! It undergoes such symptoms of mal-operation every now and then; just like weather fluctuations. Sometimes making one happy contrary to times of boredom, leading to frustration and those crappy mood swings. As it is, no one remembers his/her good times and gets swayed back to the 'bad' times, I'm forced to emphasize on the latter part. 

With such high temperatures, which are day by day hitting new records in the newspapers, one must avoid going out during the hotter time of the day. The rescue? Yup, you're right. Its the internet which comes to rescue in such times. One can have a talk with friends,  relatives and dear ones via our popular entertainment sources viz Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Google+.. and also can surf through the huge database of information provided by the World Wide Web. 

But the feeling is not at all nice when your network dwindles and you suddenly feel deserted. You think that you cannot do anything with that lappy, iPad, mobile, pc or whatever has been caught in the webs of a network failure. The same happened with me as well. We people never realize that feeling of having 'nothing to do' has actually the 'important things to do' buried in latent forms.

While when that icon right on the upper/lower right of your phone's or laptop's screen shows the signs of connection, one doesn't bother about the latent forms of things. What one is bothered about is pertaining with the stupid online day to day stuffs. And not so surprisingly, one tends to afford those precious hours, which could have been utilized fruitfully. It comes with- of course- the later guilt of wasting time and not completing one's dues/assignments or not spending time with family or having those strained eyes.

Have a thought about it! Switch off that data connection from your phone or that WiFi which is plugged in 24x7. And see and try to find out the latent emergents. 

Smiles. Peace. :)