Thursday 22 March 2018

Finding Solace

A girl knocked the door in excitement to visit the lady she admired a lot. Two people sat in the room, a Sir sitting right in front of the table and the professor, seated opposite to him. She greeted the sir first following which came a voice:

"Welcome dear, I know its you. I remember your voice."

Image result for happy college student cartoon

The excitement the girl had for meeting her professor after 3 years was reciprocated. The professor assimilated the how abouts of the girl's life and discussed her perspectives too, like a mother-cum-friend. She was mesmerized by the amount of faith the professor showed in her. 

Image result for happy into sad cartoon
The girl, once a  happy person, had started raising intermittent  gloominess inside. The environment around had disturbed her to a great extent. Perhaps that's how many of us react, when faced with complexities in life. We always think down upon ourselves when our expectations don't get fulfilled. We wish our lives to be smooth with no breaks of failure or discontent towards work/people. But is it supported by laws of Universe? No! Science supports entropy i.e. increase in randomness. 

Any well established work goes through the process of randomness, later leading to stabilization. Similarly, if you are bogged down by the perplexities of your life, hold back and realize that phases change. Nothing is constant and it will get changed only if you have patience and self belief.

Image result for professor student cartoonIn the story above, the girl found solace in her professor, who motivated her by showing confidence in her capabilities and that testing times come and go. Its how you chose to react to them: Letting it deteriorate you or Hitting it back with a greater force. The girl was realized of her true potential and to believe in herself. 

A meeting can do wonders. You never know the meeting turns out to be a blessing in-disguise. Meet people who can see and bring out the best in You. 

Be receptive to the good things/ thoughts in life. Ignore things which disrupt your peace. Acknowledge downfalls, if any or many, in your way and be high on self worth!


  1. True yrrr randomness how we can forget, well verified law of entropy one of thermodynamics law....our life's is based on this

    1. Our life and its situations are very much drawn from Science. And since we are Sciencees, we correlate more 😀
