Tuesday 29 August 2023

One's home

What is classified to be called as a home? We know home as the place where we live with our loved ones. But could other things classify to be called as home?
Think about your friends with whom you could discuss various things or be silent infact, but still rejoicing their presence. Think about your music which you listen when you are happy, sad or angry. Think about your mode of transport; for me it's metro, my home to pacify and pen my thoughts in a smooth undisturbed way. Think about your vacations, where you spend your morning with hot coffee and end the way with a glass of wine. Think about a child's smile or joke, which make you feel blissful. Think about your juniors who continue to energize you and a different kind of high. Think about the pious places you visit which makes you peaceful in brink of seconds. 

                   Home is an emotion!
It's alright to have different homes. Rather, I'd say it is important to have another home to go to, where you can be you.
There's so much nature has to offer to us. Why don't we receive as much then? Because we miss to be receptive.

Let's receive the offerings of nature and see a change within ourselves.